Visit a Chateau
You’ll find a nice one right across the street, and a dozen others in the towns nearby. As well as old churches, cute villages, and active farms. From May 29 – June 13, 2021, enjoy Chateaux en Fête throughout the region.

Visit Brantôme
The Venice of France, just six miles away. One of many places to visit in the Dordogne area.

Taste Wine in St. Emilion
Take a 1.5 hour drive through the Bordeaux vineyards to get there.

Visit the Caves at Lascaux
Take a 1.5 hour drive through the Périgord countryside to get there. Or visit the Grotte de Villars, about 30 minutes away.

Play Tennis
The village tennis courts are near the village pool, a short walk across the river.

Swim in the Dronne
Visit Bordeaux
A nice 1.5 hour drive on the autoroute takes you to France’s 5th largest city and hub of wine export.
Ideas for Dordogne and Perigord:

Visit Cognac
A nice 1.5 hour drive on through Dordogne and Charente takes you to the city of stills, surrounded by vineyards.

Try Foie Gras in Bergerac
A one-hour drive south takes you to the hub of production of red wine and foie gras.

Eat Well
Enjoy a gourmet lunch or dinner at one of Bourdeille’s fine restaurants. Or find a five-course lunch for 13€ in Tocane-St-Apre. Or lunch at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Perigueux for 29€. Or buy fresh from the farmers at the weekly markets in Bourdeilles (Sunday), Brantome (Friday), or Perigueux (Wednesday) and prepare it Au Pied du Chateau.

Go to Market
Fresh vegetables, aged cheese, organic meats, crafts, and snacks present themselves at the weekly markets in Bourdeilles (Sunday), Brantome (Friday), or Perigueux (Wednesday).

Visit Sarlat
The best-preserved renaissance town in France is a short drive away in Perigord Noir. Architecture, shopping, outdoor markets, and local food make Sarlat worth the journey.

Visit Aubeterre
Originally settled by the ancient Romans, Aubeterre sits high on a cliff above the Dronne River, about a half-hour downstream from Bourdeilles. The underground church is carved out of the cliff. Try lunch at Hotel de France.