Kathi Lengel's Workshop Helpers

Step Cards: Getting Started with Tabletop

Tabletop is a powerful database program for organizing, exploring, and analyzing data. It can be used by

students from the early grades through high school. Tabletop, Jr is designed specifically for K-6 students.

Tabletop in the classroom

Teacher links

Step cards


Kathi Lengel


Getting started with Tabletop
In this exercise, you will organize data from a collection and then analyze your data using stack plots and Venn loop plots. Choose one of the following, depending on the collection at hand:

Pocket Change

Using the change from everyone's pockets or a change collection provided by the instructor, create a database. In your small group, choose at least four fields to include. These may be name, value, color, diameter, thickness, shape, or attributes such as ribbed/not ribbed; round/not round, and so on.

Step One: Create a database

  1. Double - click the Tabletop icon to open the program.
  2. Under the File menu, choose New Database.Type name as the first field.
  3. This first field will contain letters, so choose String as the field type. (click and hold the button next to the field name, drag down to String and release).
  4. Click the check button to register this field.
  5. Choose Add Field from the Database menu.
  6. Type How many as the next field, click the check button.
  7. Choose number as the field type.
  8. Add a new field called edged? and choose Boolean as the field type - this will give you a true or false entry.
  9. Repeat until you have at least four fields.

Step Two: Save the database


  1. Under the File menu, choose Save New Database.
  2. Name the database Pocket Change and save to the desktop.

Step Three: Add data


  1. Click the first data cell (in the Name field).
  2. Type the name of the first coin.
  3. Press the tab key to move to the next field.

When you enter the true/false data, you need only type a T or Y to enter True; an F or N registers as False.

Display data.