Teacher linksStep cardsReflectionKathi LengelHome |
Finding what you want on the Internet...Or ------ You can't always get what you want.... Safe sites... The fastest way to find what you are looking for is to start at the right site. If you are a teacher and want teacher-related sites, try these first. Key word searches Start with a search engine such as AltaVista. (http://www.altavista.com) You can do a regular search by typing in a word or two into the search box, then clicking the search button.As much as possible, use the real word for what you are searching for. Monarch butterfly will get you over 6,000 sites that refer to Monarch Butterflies. Butterflies will get you 443,000 sites! To narrow your search, be specific!
If you really want to know about Monarch Butterfly Migration, say so. If you put the expression in parentheses, the search engine will go out and find exactly what you are asking for, in this case, "Monarch Butterfly Migration" yielded 99 sites. That's much closer! And they're all usable! |